Samantha is the Assistant Executive Director for InnerAct Alliance. In addition to her position, she also serves as the Coalition Coordinator for StandUP Polk and UthMpact and is heavily involved in the planning and implementation of the annual Red Ribbon Run. She is fiercely dedicated and enjoys her work making a difference in the community. Outside of work, you can find Sam hanging out with her friends and six fur-babies. You want to be her forever friend....just let her bring her dogs with her!
Katrina is InnerAct Alliance's Tech Coordinator and coalition assistant. She is in charge of researching and providing new trainings for the teachers to stay up on the latest drug and alcohol trends. Previously the receptionist, she provides fun, fresh ideas and a great sense of humor. She is also in charge of our social media presence for all of our programs. When she isn't dedicating her time to our cause, you can find her planning out her next trip to Epcot or gushing about her favorite video games. And always ask her about her cats. She loves to talk about them and show them off to anyone willing to spare five minutes. Email: [email protected]