Click the Red Ribbon Run tab
InnerAct Alliance, formerly the Drug Prevention Resource Center, is proud to have provided substance abuse prevention to the Hardee, Highlands and Polk County communities in Central Florida since 1985 with services including science-based education in elementary, middle and high schools, teen-driven social norms campaigns, as well as informative presentations and family-oriented awareness events that touch the lives of youth, adults, families, businesses, faith-based organizations, community groups and others in need with an important anti-substance abuse and anti-bullying message.
Check out the video below to learn more about InnerAct Alliance.
Check out the video below to learn more about InnerAct Alliance.
InnerAct Alliance serves
as the Fiscal Agent for the following Coalition Partners

StandUP Polk is a group of concerned citizens, community and business leaders working as the Coalition for a Drug-Free Polk to take a stand against risky behaviors and bring about positive changes for Polk County. Concerned citizens are invited to take an active part in monthly planning sessions.
To learn more about StandUp Polk visit our website by clicking on our logo to the left.
To learn more about StandUp Polk visit our website by clicking on our logo to the left.

UthMpact is a youth coalition of teen leaders committed to delivering key substance abuse prevention messages to teens by their peers. The goal for UthMpact is to provide positive community stereotypes. Throughout the year UthMpact students participate in leadership days within the community.
To learn more about UthMpact, visit our website by clicking on our logo to the left.
InnerAct Alliance Supports Own the Upside!

Own the Upside is a positive community marketing campaign presented by the StandUP Polk, Drug Free Hardee, and Drug Free Highlands. Coalitions and their partners address concerns of parents regarding teen risky behavior.
New Exhibit!! - “Own the Upside…Avoid the Downside” trailer is an interactive mobile exhibit housing a replica teens’ bedroom adults can walk through to learn to recognize clues signaling involvement in drugs/risky behaviors visible in plain sight or concealed in seemingly ordinary items in the room. Click the logo to request a presentation!
New Exhibit!! - “Own the Upside…Avoid the Downside” trailer is an interactive mobile exhibit housing a replica teens’ bedroom adults can walk through to learn to recognize clues signaling involvement in drugs/risky behaviors visible in plain sight or concealed in seemingly ordinary items in the room. Click the logo to request a presentation!
For more information please contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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