Check out Own the Upside website by clicking below. There you can see all the great work the program is doing throughout Polk County!
With parents in mind, InnerAct Alliance has created a unique traveling exhibit in partnership with the Polk Sheriff’s Charities, Inc. to alert you of potential warning signs of that teens may be experimenting with drugs. Our exhibit is an interactive display designed to help parents and other concerned adults to recognize unfamiliar hazards that are often in plain sight. Walking through a simulated typical teen bedroom, you will have an opportunity to interact with more than 75 items on display while learning about current trends in drug use. You will be enlightened by what you learn through this program and walk away with the knowledge and resources to help your child to safely navigate his or her teens years.
Walk into an average teenager’s room and you are likely to find a pile of clothes on the floor, scattered school supplies on a desk, and a wide range of personal care products on the vanity. Nothing unusual for most parents who are raising teens, but in some cases looks can be deceiving. Critical insights about teen behavior can be found within that clutter.
The display is designed for adults only due to the sensitive nature of the material presented. Requirements include a minimum space for a 9ft by 20ft trailer to park and display.
Interested in booking a presentation? Complete the form below or call Angie Ellison at 863-802-0777 for details and more information.
The display is designed for adults only due to the sensitive nature of the material presented. Requirements include a minimum space for a 9ft by 20ft trailer to park and display.
Interested in booking a presentation? Complete the form below or call Angie Ellison at 863-802-0777 for details and more information.
For more information please contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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